At GROWLIST we process your personal data in accordance with GDPR [that is: Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)]. Below, we provide the most vital information regarding this matter:


The Data Controller is Karolina Drozd acting as a sole proprietor under the name „KAROLINA DROZD Architecture & Design Studio”, address: Aleja Zwycięstwa 195/4, 81-521 Gdynia, Poland, entered into Central Registration and Information on Business (Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej – CeiDG), NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5861977874, REGON: 220165742.


Contact with us is possible via the following methods:

  • via e-mail sent to:
  • by mail, by sending a letter to: Karolina Drozd Architecture & Design Studio, Aleja Zwycięstwa 195/4, 81-521 Gdynia.


The legal basis for processing personal data varies depending on the situations described below and depends on the interaction you have with us:

If you visit our website

We process your personal data for purposes of:

  • ensuring stability, performance, and correct functioning of the website or our services,
  • tracking website traffic,
  • verifying the manner in which website is used,
  • displaying ads within our website,
  • possible prevention of activities not compliant with applicable law.

We save the data especially within cookie files and logs which are related to your visits on the website. Such data could be your IP or registered activities within the website.

The legal basis for processing of personal data in this case is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

The data controller’s legitimate interest in this case is ensuring proper functioning of the website, maintaining statistics regarding website’s functioning and how its used by the users, displaying ads, combating fraud, and infringing provisions of applicable law

If you create an account within our service and become a User of the service

If you become a User of our service and accept its terms, you conclude an agreement that is binding between you and us.

In such cases, the legal basis for personal data processing is Article 6.1.b of the GPDR, enabling processing of personal data where it is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into an agreement.

Moreover, we can process your personal data for purposes of complying with our legal obligations stemming from conclusion of agreements, especially accountancy and tax obligations – on basis of Article 6.1.c. of the GDPR, which enables data processing where it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

We also process your personal data for purposes of seeking and defending from claims, which constitutes our legitimate interest – the legal basis for processing of personal data in this case is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

If you contact us for purpose of making an order or establishing cooperation or you already are our Client, User, or Service Provider or you cooperate with us on basis of civil law agreement

If you contact us for purposes of beginning to use our services, then we process your personal data for purpose of undertaking activities you request before we conclude an agreement.

If you already are our Client, User, or Service Provider then we process your personal data for purposes of performing the agreement.

In such cases, the legal basis for personal data processing is Article 6.1.b of the GPDR, enabling processing of personal data where it is necessary:

  • in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into an agreement,
  • conclusion of the agreement,
  • performance of the agreement,

to which data subject is a party.

Moreover, we can process your personal data for purposes of complying with our legal obligations stemming from conclusion of agreements, especially accountancy and tax obligations – on basis of Article 6.1.c. of the GDPR, which enables data processing where it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

We also process your personal data for purposes of seeking and defending from claims, which constitutes our legitimate interest – the legal basis for processing of personal data in this case is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

If you are a person acting on behalf of an entity interested in our services or on behalf of our Client or Service Provider – that is, entities which concluded an agreement with us

We process your personal data for purpose of concluding and performing an agreement between us and our Client or Service Provider.

The legal basis for processing of personal data is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

The legitimate interest in this case is connected with processing personal data for purposes of concluding and performing agreements concluded between us and our Client, Contractor, or Service Provider what requires contacting representatives of the Client, Contractor, or Service Provider.

If you use the contact form available on the website or you send us messages to the provided e-mail address, or you contact us via mail or via phone

We process your personal data, such as your name, surname, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, and contents of the messages or conversations for purpose of establishing contact with you and exchanging messages.

The legal basis for processing of personal data in this case is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

The legitimate interest of data controller in this case is necessity of processing personal data for purpose of contacting persons and responding to materials they send.

If you visit our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn fanpage, follow them or react to our posts

We process your personal data for purpose of monitoring movement and conducting marketing activities regarding out services. Within those social media platforms, we might direct marketing materials towards you (that is, display posts marked and sponsored) in accordance with terms of these platforms.

The legal basis for processing of personal data is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

The legitimate interest of data controller in this case is maintaining marketing and statistical activities.

If you subscribe to our newsletter

We process your personal data for purpose of sending newsletter and conducting marketing activities connected with our services.

The legal basis for processing of personal data is Article 6.1.f of the GDPR enabling us to process personal data when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third party.

The legitimate interest of data controller in this case is maintaining marketing and advertising activities which are related to services provided by the data controller.

Please remember that for purpose of providing you with offers via means of electronic communication or telecommunication devices, we need to gain your consent first. Such consent should be expressed in accordance with requirements stipulated by law. Check the point 6 below to see information about your right to withdraw consent.


For purposes of ensuring proper provision of our services, we use help of some third parties. For that reason, personal data provided by you can be shared with:

  • entity providing us with server and hosting services: [hosting]
  • entity providing us with accountancy services,
  • entity providing us with financial services – Stripe Payments Europe, Limited,
  • to an extent in which you use the functionalities of our service, your personal data might be provider to given subcontractors, entities making offers, or other third parties which might be interested in establishing business cooperation with you – those will always be entities using our service,
  • entity providing us with analytical, marketing, and e-mail services – Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland, and Google LLC with its seat in Mountain View, California, USA,
  • entity managing the Facebook and Instagram social media platform, as well as analytical plugin Facebook Pixel – Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and Meta Platforms Inc. with its seat in Mountain View, California,
  • entity managing the LinkedIn social media platform – LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company and LinkedIn Corp. with its seat in San Francisco, California, USA
  • other subcontractors and service providers, especially in the field of IT, law firms as well as legal and accounting consultants, recruiters.

Considering that your personal data may be processed by entities like Google, LinkedIn, or Meta Platforms – your personal data might be transferred outside European Economic Area. As such, the legal basis for transferring your personal data to USA by Google and Meta Platforms is “Data Privacy Framework” program, approved by European Commission. In case of LinkedIn – the legal basis of transferring your personal data to USA is an agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses approved by European Commission.


We do our best to store your personal data only for as long as it is actually necessary, and after that we delete it. The time for which we store your personal data depends on what is the type of our interaction:

  • If you are a person who entered our website, we process your personal data for as long as you use the website and up to 14 months after your last visit.
  • If you create the User’s Account, we process your personal data for duration of Account’s existence and 6 months after its expiry,
  • If you establish a business cooperation with us, purchase our services, or are our Client, Service Provider, are an associate or representative of our Client or Service Provider, we process your personal data for 3 years from the day such business cooperation ended. Data processed for purposes of fulfilling accountancy and tax obligations shall be processed for period of 5 years from the end of calendar year in which the deadline for payment of tax obligation has lapsed.
  • In case of contacting us via contact form or via mail, e-mail, or phone – we process your personal data for as long as our communication lasts and subsequent 3 months.
  • If you are registered to our newsletter – we process your personal data for this purpose until you unsubscribe from our mailing list or until we finish the promotional activities, depending on which event happens earlier.
  • If you follow us within a given social media profile, react to our posts, or contact us via our fanpage on Facebook or LinkedIn – we process your personal data for duration of interaction between you and our fanpage/profile.


Request access to your personal data

You can request a confirmation from us that your personal data are processed and request appropriate information in this regard, including information on what types of personal data are processed and for which purposes.

Request rectification of your personal data

You have the right to request immediate rectification of incorrect personal data and supplement incomplete personal data.

Request erasure of your personal data

You have the right to request immediate erasure of your personal data if any of the following criteria apply:

  • personal data are no longer necessary to realize purposes for which they were collected or are otherwise processed,
  • you have revoked consent (assuming it is the basis of processing) and there are no other legal bases for personal data processing,
  • you have filed an objection regarding processing of your personal data and there are no other legally justified legal bases for personal data processing which override the objection,
  • personal data have been processed illegally,
  • personal data have to be erased in order to fulfil a legal obligation.

This does not apply to an extent in which personal data processing is necessary:

  • to exercises one’s right of freedom of speech and freedom of access to information,
  • to meet a legal obligation placed on the data controller which requires processing of personal data,
  • to establish, pursue or defend from claims.
Request restriction of processing your personal data

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data if:

  • you question the correctness of personal data – for a duration enabling us the verify the correctness of the data,
  • processing of personal data is illegal but you object erasure of your personal data, requesting a restriction of processing instead,
  • we do not need your personal data for processing purposes, but you need them to establish, pursue claims or defend from claim,
  • you have filed an objection regarding processing of your personal data – until we verify whether our legitimate interests on our side override the grounds for your objection.
Request transferring your personal data

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you provided to a us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller. Such request can be fulfilled only where your personal data are processed on basis of consent or an agreement and are processed by automated means.

Right to file a complaint to a competent authority

You have the right to file a complaint to an authority competent in matters related to personal data processing – in Poland it is the President of Data Protection Office (Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych – PUODO), address: Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.

Object to the processing of your personal data

You have the right to object personal data processing in scenarios where the legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest.

Right to withdraw your consent for processing

You have the right to withdraw consent for processing of your personal data in a scenario, where the consent is a legal basis of such an activity. You can also withdraw consent where a specific activity undertaken by us is based on consent in understanding of regulations on protection of personal data (especially when it comes to sending marketing messages on basis of Telecommunications Act).


Your personal data shall not be used for purposes of automatic decision making, including profiling, as set forth by Article 22.1 and Article 22.14 of the GDPR.

Provision of personal data is voluntary, although in case where personal data is necessary for conclusion of performance of agreement concluded with us, withholding from providing personal data may render provision of services impossible.


Cookie files are small files which enable or facilitate usage of certain functions of the Website. They can be saved on your device directly by us or by third parties with whom we cooperate. In connection with using cookies by us, we may process your personal data, such as your IP address, history of your use of the Website, or information about the device or software you use. The cookie files we use are connected with functioning of our Website, monitoring Website’s traffic, maintaining statistics on how the website is used by the users, undertaking marketing activities, preventing errors and technical malfunctions, ensuring security, as well as preventing frauds and violations of applicable law.

There are the following types of cookies files:

Session cookies: cookies that are stored on your device during the time you use the Service (they are deleted when you close your web browser). Session cookies enable the correct use of the Service. Blocking them may result in encountering errors or prevent you from using the Service.

Persistent cookies: they are stored on your device until they are deleted or until they expire.

Additionally, the cookie files are divided into the following categories:

  • Technical cookies - these files are necessary for correct displaying and functioning of the website. These files may also detect irregularities in website’s functioning and help in fixing errors, and moreover they enable us to verify the user’s consent for other types of cookie files. Blocking these might cause improper functioning of the website.
  • Analytical and statistical cookie files - these cookie files enable collection of statistical information regarding usage of our website by the users. They enable us especially to verify the movement on the website, number of entries, measure how the website is used and analyze which devices or browsers users use. For purpose of these analytical activities, we use tools such as Google Analytics. These tools might require usage of cookie files.
  • Marketing cookie files - these cookie files are responsible for maintaining advertising and marketing activities, especially in relations to usage of Google Ads services. They also cover remarketing activities, that is, encouraging the users to visit our website again. Consent for usage of these cookie files enables us to show you advertisements on basis of your previous activity within our website.
  • Social cookie files - these cookie files are connected with social media platforms that we use, such as Facebook or Instagram. Accepting them will allow us to connect your visit on our website with out profiles within social media platforms.

You can familiarize yourself with detailed information on which cookie files may be stored on your device via banner displayed on the website. It contains information about specific types of cookie files, their purpose, and for how long they will be stored on your device.

Usage of cookie files is based on your consent, expressed in accordance with Article 173 §1 of the Telecommunications Act. We would like to indicate that lack of such consent or subsequent removal of cookie files may render certain functionalities of the website unusable.

You have the option of limiting or disabling cookies on your device. Settings regarding the use of cookies can be found in the settings of your web browser. Web browsers allow you to disable all cookies or certain groups of cookies (e.g., from third parties). If you disable cookies just partly, cookies used within the Website may be saved on your device, enabling the Website to function properly. If you limit usage of cookie files, using specific services we provide can be limited, and even impossible in some scenarios.